The Sumerian Hymn to Enlil

“ Enlil’s commands are by far the loftiest, his words are holy, his utterances are immutable! The fate he decides is everlasting, his glance makes the mountains anxious, his … reaches into the interior of the mountains. All the gods of the earth bow down to father Enlil, who sits comfortably on the holy dais, the lofty engur, to Nunamnir, whose lordship and princeship are most perfect. The Anunnaki enter before him and obey his instructions faithfully. ”

Tips and Tricks of Filming! - Sermon by Priestess Victoria Harr - May 30th, 2017

Tips and Tricks of Filming! – Sermon by Priestess Victoria Harr – May 30th, 2017

The reason why I’m here to talk to you about filming anything is because when I first started filming, I was nervous and all the other emotions that come with it. I hated to film myself and I hated crowds. I would a lot of times avoid any contact with them, until one day my whole life changed. I met these people that taught me and I learned each day. In fact, those people are none other than my brothers and sisters in Christ.