The Cloud
Sermon by Priest Samuel Grenier
October 3rd, 2016

The Cloud - Sermon by Priest Samuel Grenier - Oct 3rd, 2016

The “cloud” metaphorically speaking is common terminology in the IT department. It symbolizes the world wide web. It is a virtual space comprised of many servers across the world. Google has data centers all over the world and can store data anywhere in the world. Likewise, people can connect to each other all over the world in mere seconds. Through the internet (aka the cloud) a prophecy can be fulfilled through Christ’s returned.Revelation 1:7 – Behold, he comes with clouds and every eye shall see him, even those who pierced him, and all the families of The Earth shall mourn for him; yes and amen!

Revelation 1:7 

“Behold, he comes with clouds and every eye shall see him, even those who pierced him, and all the families of The Earth shall mourn for him; yes and amen!”

The Cloud - Sermon by Priest Samuel Grenier - Oct 3rd, 2016

Lord RayEl uses twitter as a form of communication to the entire world. Anyone from around the world can read these tweets and even use Google Translate to get it in their own language. He is virtually in the cloud and every eye can see him. Christians delude the scripture by saying that “every eye will see him at once” when in reality the scripture does not say that at all. As top of that delusion, they fail to see beyond the literal meaning. Every eye cannot see him in the clouds on his return since Earth is spherical. This means that when he returns in the cloud so that all eyes may see him it must be metaphorical and not taken literally.

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